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Frequently Asked Questions about STRIDE™

The following is a list of high level questions often asked by customers.


What specific testing techniques are enabled by STRIDE?

Unit Testing

API Testing

Behavior Testing

Scenario-based white box testing.

What about source instrumentation bloat?

Using Test Points / Logs

Should I leave the testability in?

Are all Test Points active?

Can developers really enable QA to create effective white-box tests?

Yes if you do the following

No if you don't do anything different


What do you mean by behavior testing?

How are test cases managed?

Individual test cases are organized into test units (on-target c/c++ tests) and test modules (host-based script tests) which typically target the verification of a specific subsystem or component.

Test units and test modules are runnable individually or in sequence with other test units/mocules.

Test unit/module results may also be further organized into named test suites, which provide convenient results roll-ups to groups of test units/modules.

Can I use STRIDE together with test equipment?

External test equipment can further leverage STRIDE's value by providing sophisticated test harnessing.

The operation of computer-controlled test equipment can be automatically synchronized with STRIDE test unit/module execution for repeatable execution of complicated scenarios.

How will STRIDE affect my real-time software performance?

The STRIDE components and architecture are tailored specifically to embedded applications; overhead is minimal.

Resource usage is configurable and can be tailored to the limitations of the target platform.

Size of runtime / intercept module

Typical RAM usage

Processing Impact

Typical resource usage
Aspect Resources
STRIDE Runtime Code Space TBD
STRIDE Runtime Memory Usage TBD
STRIDE Threads 2 Threads; configurable priority; blocked when inactive

Installation and Deployment

What up-front integration is required to begin using STRIDE?

PAL and Runtime Integration
To support STRIDE remoting, the common STRIDE Runtime and OS-specific Platform Abstraction Layer (PAL) must be integrated into the target environment. PAL implementations exist for many popular embedded operating systems.
Build System Integration
To automatically generate harnessing code and test metadata, several STRIDE-related executables are added to your software build process.

What process changes are required to adopt STRIDE

Testable Build

Creating and maintaining Test Assets


How much time and resources are required to get STRIDE running in a typical embedded environment? *

What does it take to train developers in using STRIDE? *

How does STRIDE support continuous integration?

The key principle of continuous integration is regular testing of your software--ideally done in an automated fashion. STRIDE tests are reusable and automated. Over time, these tests accumulate, providing more and more comprehensive coverage.

By automating the execution of tests and results publication via Test Space with every software build, development teams gain immediate feedback on defects and the health of their software. By detecting and repairing defects immediately, the expense and time involved with correcting bugs is minimized.