Function Capturing
For a user function to be exposed to the STRIDE Test System it needs to be captured. Once made available it could be remoted or doubled.
By using the STRIDE special scl_function pragma any global function could be captured. For example to capture:
/* foo.h */
int foo(void);
create a new header file and add the following pragma statement:
/* foo_SCL.h */
#include "foo.h"
#ifdef _SCL
#pragma scl_function(foo)
By simply passing the new header file to the STRIDE Build Tools the captured function would become part of the Intercept Module.
The simplest form of capturing (using scl_function with no additional arguments) would make a function exposed for external to the target use (remote calling). Such exposer allows number of uses, as one of them is fuxturing a test script.
A function could be captured for the purpose of interception. When intercepted it could be dynamically substituted to implement on-the-fly mocks, stubs, and doubles. The Test Double article provides more details on the topic.