Manual License Activation

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Revision as of 16:05, 18 August 2010 by Marku (talk | contribs)
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If you are not able to activate your license using our live activation server, you will instead have to request a manually signed license from us. Here is the procedure for manual activation:

  1. Execute the rlmhostid on the machine to be licensed - this will determine the hostid string. The executable is available as an archive for linux here (tgz) and for windows here (zip).
  2. Create a new message in your Basecamp project requesting a manually signed license. Include the following information:
    • hostid (obtained in step 1)
    • username that is used when logging in.
  3. Once we have created the manually signed license, we'll respond to the request and attach the signed license file. Save the file in the following location,depending on your platform. If the specified directory does not exist, you might need to execute the Stride Runner once to create the folder.
    • For Windows XP, place the .lic file in C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Application Data\S2 Technologies, where USERNAME is the username of the account you use to login to windows.
    • For Windows 7, place the .lic file in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\S2 Technologies, where USERNAME is the username of the account you use to login to windows.
    • Note: the Local Settings folder is typically hidden in Windows File Explorer, so you might need to adjust your view settings in order to be able to navigate into that directory (show hidden files).

    • For linux, place the .lic file in the ${HOME}/.stride/lic/HOSTNAME/ directory, where HOSTNAME is the hostname of the machine (as returned by the hostname command).
  4. Execute the Stride Runner to verify that the license is found and valid. If you provide no arguments, you should see the following error
      Unable to proceed. Missing database file.
 which case, your license is working properly.