STRIDE Build Tools

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Build Tools

Command line Utilities:

  1. The STRIDE compiler (s2scompile.exe)

  2. The STRIDE database binder (s2sbind.exe)

  3. The STRIDE instrumentation generator (s2sinstrument.exe)


  1. Compiling multiple files

    s2scompile –I"C:\STRIDE\inc" –DN=100 file1.h file2.h

  2. Database Binding

    s2sbind –-starting_suid=123 test.sidb file1.meta file2.meta

  3. Intercept Module Generation

    1. Single Intercept Module

      s2sinstrument –-im_name=test test.sidb

      1. Pre-build Instrumentation: The S2 compilation, binding and instrumentation are done before the user’s build.

        s2scompile is called first, then s2sbind, and finally s2sinstrument:

        s2scompile –I”C:\STRIDE\inc” –DN=100 file1.h file2.h
        s2sbind –-starting_suid=123 test.sidb file1.meta file2.meta
        s2sinstrument –-im_name=test -–mode=SDud(f1) -–mode=P(f2) test.sidb

      2. In-build Prototyping with Post-build Implementation: The compilation, binding and IM prototyping (header files only generation) are done incrementally. For each component of the user’s build just a subset of SCL files are compiled, bound to a database (merged into the previously created database) and IM prototypes are generated for a set of interfaces defined in those SCL files.

        s2scompile –I”C:\STRIDE\inc” –DN=100 file1.h
        s2sbind –-starting_suid=123 test.sidb file1.meta
        s2sinstrument –-im_name=test –prototype=p1 -–mode=SDud(f10,f11) test.sidb

        s2scompile –I”C:\STRIDE\inc” –DN=100 file2.h
        s2sbind –-input_database=test.sidb test.sidb file2.meta
        s2sinstrument –-im_name=test –prototype=p2 -–mode=P(f20,f21) test.sidb

        s2sinstrument –-im_name=test –implement -–mode=SDud(f10,f11) -–mode=P(f20,f21) test.sidb