Off-Target Environment

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Each SDK package targets a specific operating system, and contains the following items:

  • STRIDE runtime source
  • PAL source for interface with the Target OS
  • Makefile to build STRIDE runtime library, test and sample applications
  • Compiler setting file for target processor

The SDK intended to be used primarily as an off-target evaluation or development sandbox. This allows you to use STRIDE in a small, controlled environment without needing to make changes to your target build. In addition, the SDK Makefile can serve as an example of the steps needed to add STRIDE instrumentation to your target build.


Building the STRIDE Runtime Library

Note that all Makefiles must be run with gnu make. For SDKs targeting OS's where this is not the standard make utility, an executable is supplied in the SDK's bin directory.


The Makefile assumes a gnu toolchain. (Other toolchains can be used; see the comments in the Makefile.)

  1. cd to ~/stride/SDK/Linux/src
  2. Build the library
    make library
  3. The file ~/stride/SDK/Linux/out/lib/libstride.a will be produced


The Makefile assumes a Visual Studio toolchain. (Other toolchains can be used; see the comments in the Makefile.)

  1. If using Microsoft Visual Studio, open a Visual Studio command prompt to ensure that the compiler and linker are on your PATH.[1]
  2. cd to stride\SDK\Windows\src
  3. build the library using the supplied gnu make. (You will get Makefile errors if you use the default make.)
    ..\bin\make library
  4. The file stride\SDK\Windows\out\lib\stride.lib will be produced



Builds the library target
Builds STRIDE runtime, producing stride.lib
Deletes intermediate and target files
Builds an instrumented test application, TestApp.exe, using sources found in the sample_src directory

Instrumenting Multiple Processes


  1. You can get a VS command prompt via the Start menu. Choose: Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft Visual Studio 200X -> Visual Studio Tools -> Visual Studio 200X Command Prompt