Reporting Entities
Every page in the results view represents a suite. The current name and path are shown at the top along with description and a few other summary stats. Sub-suites and child test cases are shown in the treeview below the summary information. In this treeview, sub-suites are shown as hyperlinks with an expansion icon to the right. Clicking any sub-suite will take you to a results view page for that suite while selecting the expansion arrow will simply display the children of that suite without navigating away from the current page. Any annotations in the current suite are shown below the suite/case tree view. If annotations are present in any of the items show in the tree view, their presence is indicated by the
icon. Clicking on this icon in the treeview will display the annotations for the item (suite of test case).
Test Cases
Test cases are shown in the tree view and the names are slightly smaller than suites and not hyperlinked. Test cases can have comments (indicated by ), annotations (
), and a description (
Annotations represent additional noteworthy information about a particular suite or test case. Annotations are used in the STRIDE Framework to record messages from the srLOG macros as well as information about assertion failures from our test macros and test point failures. Annotations can also be created manually using Test API.
As decribed above, annotations for the current suite are displayed below the tree view in the results view and annotations for any child objects shown in the tree view are displayed using the icon.
Test Cases and Annotations can optionally have comments associated with them, indicated by icon. Comments can currently only be added to a test case using the test API.
Suites and Test Cases can optionally have description information. The description for the current suite will be shown in the header block above the tree view. Descriptions for any items in the tree view will be indicated by the icon. Selecting this icon will display the description information within the tree view.