Studio:What up-front integration is required to begin using STRIDE?

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To support remotely accessing function calls, the STRIDE Runtime and Platform Abstraction Layer (PAL) components must be integrated into the target environment, including support for the available transport. S2 already has pre-ported or reference PALs available for many popular embedded RTOSes. In this case, there is only a few days of integration and verification work.

For custom or new OSes, implementing a PAL takes only a few extra days. A new PAL involves implementing 10 – 12 well-defined primitive interfaces, based on common OS services. In either case, S2 is generally involved with this process in order to ensure proper integration.

If the software architecture includes a messaging subsystem, then a custom remote message server (RMS) component is also required. S2 generally undertakes this work and delivers, integrates, and verifies the RMS with the customer. The scope of the RMS varies depending on the complexity of the messaging subsystem.